1813: Napoleon's Nemesis


1813: Napoleon’s Nemesis és un joc estratègic sobre la campanya que va conduir a la batalla de Leipzig. El joc usa el mateix sistema que el seu predecessor (1812: The Invasion of Russia).

Més detalls

37,95 € impostos incl

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Categoria Wargame clàssic
Subcategoria Napoleònic
Mecànica Fitxes i Hexàgons
Edat 14+
Màxim de Jugadors 2
Estil de joc Competitiu
Temps de joc Un dia sencer
Escala del Joc Estratègic
Escala de Joc - Temps 15 days per turn
Escala de Joc - Unitats Divisions
Escala de Joc - Mapa 50 lm per hex

1813: Napoleon’s Nemesis” is strategic in scope. Combat units represent all the divisions (categorised as veterans, line or conscripts) which took part to the campaign, together with the most important commanders. The game presents strategic options corresponding to those available to Napoleon and the Coalition forces, and replicates the consequences which flow from each. At the same time, it captures the essence of campaign warfare during this period – sweeping manoeuvres, feints and deceptions, forced marches, and the greater flexibility and cohesion of seasoned troops – as well as the crucial matter of logistics. The Basic Rules are simple and can be learnt very quickly minimising the amount of time players need to spend consulting the Rulebook. Optional Rules and Advanced Rules (including cards) add even more realism and sense of period. 

The “1813: Napoleon’s Nemesis” is the second volume of a projected series of games at the same scale (the first being "The Invasion of Russia (1812)"), covering all the major campaign of the Napoleonic Wars at a strategic level.

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