Els preus indicats a la web inclouen l'IVA. Tots els preus són vàlids excepte error tipogràfic.
Seleccioneu el producte que voleu adquirir navegant pels menús de categories i subcategories. Feu clic al producte que us interessa per veure informació i detalls com imatges, descripció, contingut, etc. Per comprar un producte, feu clic al botó AGREGAR AL CARRET. Després d'això, podeu continuar comprant o anar al CISTELL per continuar amb la comanda. Si voleu comprar més d'un producte a SnafuStore.com, simplement repetiu el procés fins que afegiu tots els productes desitjats al CARRITO. Per continuar amb la vostra comanda, aneu al CISTELL i feu clic a CONFIRMAR. Per verificar la comanda, se us demanarà que es registri o s'identifiqui (si ja està registrat). Un cop registrat o identificat, verifiqueu els productes al CARRITO i verifiqueu l'adreça d'enviament, després feu clic al botó VEURE COMANDA. Un cop seleccionada l'adreça d'enviament, l'adreça de fabricació i el mètode de pagament, veureu un resum de la compra. Rebreu un correu de confirmació amb el resum de la compra.
Els productes adquirits s'enviaran un cop confirmat el pagament.
Oferim 2 opcions d'enviament. Standard Delivery (enviament amb NACEX, menys de 3 dies i entregat a la porta de casa seva) i Pick-Up Delivery (enviament amb InPost, entre 3 i 5 dies hàbils i enviat a un punt de recollida proper a la direcció facilitada). Les comandes de més de 60€ i menys de 10 kg són gratuïtes en aquestes destinacions escollint Pick-Up Delivery, o bé tenen una tarifa plana de 4€ amb l'opció Standard Delivery.
Els enviaments a Canàries els efectuem amb Correus. Fins a 2 quilos s'envien com a carta certificada per 10 euros i per a paquets més pesants de 2 quilos, en caixa prepagada de 18 euros (i per tant limitada en volum). La web no sap fer res d'això, contacteu-nos abans de comprar perquè verifiquem els pesos reals i les opcions. Les compres a les Canàries estan exemptes d'IVA.
Shipment is free to France, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg on orders over 150€ and under 10 kg.
For parcels over 10 kg we offer a significant discount on the shipping fee. If you have any doubt, please, contact us before purchasing!
(We speak English, French and Italian!)
We share the shipping cost with you on orders over 2 kg of weight by capping the shipment prices depending on your destination country.
Zone 2 countries are Austria, Germany and Italy.
Zone 3 countries are Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Zone 4 countries are Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ireland.
Zone 5 countries are Denmark, Finland and Sweden.
Shipments to the UK are subject to customs and may experience delays or have an overprice on destination, out of our control.
We do ship Snafu Small Battles and Snafu Pocket Battles games worldwide. Our shipping enveloppe can contain up to 4 games, If more are ordered they will be splitted in 2 shipments. (*Operation Bollebank is heavier and can count as 2 games for this limit. Ask us before purchasing in case of doubt.)
For other products (including Molt Soroll per un Rei), we are open to business with other countries but we will ask you to contact us before purchasing.
We use several parcel companies and the one we will use in your shipment can vary according to weight and actual prices. We will contact you always before shipping to inform you.
Shipments to Spain and Portugal over 60 euros and shipments to France, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg over 150 €. We do share the cost of shipping for other destinations but as costs raise fast, free shipping is not possible!
If no shipment is possible the website will always allow for local pick-up at local store. This is not free shipping, is exactly what it means : we expect you to come and pick the game at the store!
If that is not your intention, please, contact us! We will try to help.
All orders have a tracking number EXCEPT Spain and Portugal Standard Delivery that is so fast that It does not need Tracking!
Once sent, we will provide a tracking number (with a link to the courier company) so you can see the shipment status.
If the purchased product is not available (we try to avoid this situation but sometimes may happen), SnafuStore.com will contact you and give an estimate of availability or offer a refund. SnafuStore.com will not be responsible for any delay in shipment caused by the courier company or other circumstantial causes.
All products purchased at SnafuStore.com can be refunded if the buyer asks for in the following 7 working days from the delivery date and that the rest of the conditions established in this section are fulfilled. SnafuStore.com will only accept devolutions that fulfill the following conditions:
Those dispositions do not affect the rights recognized to the consumer by applicable law.
If the buyer considers that the product does not match the standards of the purchase, he must contact SnafuStore.com at the mail info@snafustore.com, providing us with the product data and the detected damage. SnafuStore.com will contact you and inform you of the procedure for returning the product if it applies. If the product has to be returned, use the original package if possible, and include any documentation sent to you. Once SnafuStore.com receives the product, we will examine and we will communicate in a reasonable period a solution (devolution, refund, restitution). SnafuStore.com will execute the solution in a maximum time of 30 days after the confirmation of the solution.
In the event that the item cannot be replaced, the amounts paid for items returned due to a tare or defect, when it actually exists, will be reimbursed in full, including delivery costs and costs in what did you incur when returning to us. Returns and partial cancellations will result in partial refunds of the total amount paid for the entire order. The transport costs will not be returned if the return is partial. The refund will be made to the same credit card used to pay for the purchase, by bank transfer to an account number where the owner of the same is the person who made the purchase, or through a discount bonus for to a future purchase in SnafuStore.com. If you have any questions, you can contact us by email info@snafustore.com. Those dispositions do not affect the rights recognized to the consumer by applicable law.
By default all our products are new in shrink, directly from providers to our shelves. Some products have the "condition" attribute in the description :
- "New" : the product is new and has never been used. Only the shrink has been removed, but all components are in his original state.
- "New - Box Damaged" : the product is new in shrink but the box presents some minor damage due to storage or transport accidents (it happens!)
- "Like New - Punched" : the product has been punched but it presents no wear. Probably has never been played.
- "Used - Unpunched" : the product has not been punched but has some tear and wear due to Time. Is just an old new game.
- "Used - Punched" : the product has been punched and played. Alas, it's complete and undamaged, of course!
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