Radetzky's March: The Road to Novara Veure més gran

Radetzky's March: The Road to Novara


Un ràpid, simple i furiós joc de guerra sobre l'última campanya de Radetzky al 1849 contra el petit però combatiu Piamonte. Un jugador assumeix el rol del Mariscal Radetzky, comandant de les forces austrohúngareses, i l'altre l'equivalent piamontès, el general Chrzanowski. 

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59,95 € impostos incl

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Categoria Wargame clàssic
Mecànica Fitxes i Hexàgons
Edat 14+
Màxim de Jugadors 2
Estil de joc Competitiu
Temps de joc Una tarda
Escala del Joc Gran Tàctic
Escala de Joc - Unitats Brigades o Regiments

This game allows you to fight the 1849 campaign and the bloody battle of Novara

March 20th, 1849: the Piedmontese forces, about 85,000 men with just over a hundred guns, are positioned around Novara, ready to to cross the Ticino river and invade the Austrian territory, moving towards Milan, in an attempt to regain it.

Field Marshal Radetzky, commander in chief of the Austrian forces, 83 years old, conceives a daring plan: to concentrate all his forces, about 75,000 men with over 200 guns, right around Pavia, ready to cross the Ticino, quickly invade Piedmont and force the piedmontese army to a decisive battle.

Counters represent all the military forces of the time: Hussars, Uhlans, Dragoons, Line infantry, Grenzer, Jäger, Artillery, Bersaglieri, Pontoon Crew, Commanders.

On a very accurate map that took years of research, Austrians and Piedmontese troops engage in bloody attacks and retreats, cavalry charges, strategic movement, pontoon building ...

All these actions are performed by the players alternatively, but not in a conventional two-turn system. The game features a random activation mechanism that makes it always compelling and different, creating chaos and uncertainty, in a realistic and tense simulation.

The heart of the system is the command: simply check how many points you have in the turn, choose the formations you will activate, put them inside a mug; your opponent does the same, then mix and draw.

Several changes compared to the previous edition: bigger map and counters; artillery can bombard, hidden movement, alternative strategic setup and much more.

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