Obbedisco! View larger


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Operational game about the Campaign of Bezzeca that pitched Garibaldi against Austrian forces in the Trentino.

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19,18 €

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Category Classic wargame
Mechanics Hex-and-Counter
Ages 12+
Max Players 2
Play Mode Competitive
Play Time An evening
Game Scale Operational

The campaign of Bezzeca was a daring mountain warfare campaign, waged by Italian general Giuseppe Garibaldi.
He led his group of volunteers, the "Corpo Volontari Italiani," against Austrian General Kuhn’s forces in Trentino.
Garibaldi’s Red Shirts were stopped only by the end of the hostilities between the two states, and the General’s famous reply to the King’s telegram ordering the immediate end to military operations, a terse and concise "Obbedisco" (I obey).

This operational level game uses a Chit drawing activation method to create uncertainty in initiative and a combat system that stresses fatigue over real casualties. Obbedisco! include variable movement of units, leader initiatives, morale, force march, fortifications, supply, etc.

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