Croix de Guerre Second Edition contains the reprint of the tenth ASL module that brings the french into the system, and a new Històrical Module : Dinant, Rommel at the Meuse.
Second Edition For King and Country contains the complete (in ASL terms!) Order of Battle for the British along with eight mapboards and 20 revised and updated scenarios.
ASL Starter Kit #2 is a self-contained module which will let players start playing Advanced Squad Leader almost immediately.
Advanced Squad Leader (ASL) Starter Kit #1 is the introductory kit to start into the deep world of ASL, the ultimate tactical combat wargame of WWII.
The Best Of Friends is a scenario pack for Advanced Squad Leader which has 12 scenarios from the Swedish Friendly Fire ASL Tournament. Best Of Friends is a further installment in the series that began with Out Of The Bunker.
Hollow Legions, is an ASL module that fields the italian and ethiopian armies.
Rising Sun is Advanced Squad Leader module that includes the entire Japanese, Chinese, and United States Marine Corps orders of battle; a 2nd edition of Chapter G, which covers the unique rules needed to play ASL in the Pacific Theater of Operations and incorporates all the current errata; and an updated Chapter H for the Japanese and Chinese vehicles and...
Pocket Charts booklet that collects all the ASL charts in a reduced-size, spiral-bound format.
Sword and Fire: Manila is a Historical Advanced Squad Leader (HASL) module covering the month-long American effort to wrest control of "The Pearl" from the Japanese.
ASL Starter Kit #3 is a self-contained module which will let players start playing vahicles in Advanced Squad Leader almost immediately.
Hakkaa Päälle! (Advanced Squad Leader Module 14) provides the ASL player with the complete order of battle for the Finns, including every major vehicle, gun, and squad type that saw combat during World War II.